Wednesday, September 16, 2009


finish watching another hongkong drama

i'm so free and bored
yamcha every night
until i feel that yamcha is so damn boring
those who are working already will kill me for saying that i think
there was once when i went yamcha with a maniac
the yamcha started from dinner until the next morning
changing places after every few hours
then ends with dim sum for breakfast
we do have fun during yamcha
when we laugh until our jaw hurts
until our stomach aches
until people around us think that we are crazy
this is all because we have an entertainer with us
demonstrating how to decrease the heat in your mouth after eating a few chili padis
performing a stunt of eating tissue paper right after using it to wipe his own sweaty armpit
stepped on his own vomit with his bare feet walking around like nobody business
the funny part wasn't really the disgusting stunt
but the expressions of his victims
these are the entertainment we need once in awhile
especially those who are already working
to release some stress i guess
but of course not too often
or we'll go crazy like the stuntman
whadabout another round of yamcha
i'll be glad to invite an entertainer to join us

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