Tuesday, May 13, 2008

gimme gimme gimme

the product of boredom
this is a sort of flash game that i did
i can't find any model so i use a person that looks like me
is a game with the objective to make the character high
is very simple because all you have to do is just click his nipples
yes yes his nipples
then sit and watch what happens to him
every time you click his nipples something will happen
and you get to click a few times
the other reason i did this is because a lot of people are bored
and they entertain themselves by reading people's blog
so i was thinking whadabout having a small game to spice up the way people read
wah la
there you have a little dirty sexy game
enjoy guys and hope you all like it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no comment~~im freak out~~